
London precious bronze sculpture stolen

Famous late British sculptor Moore a value of up to £ 500,000 bronze sculpture stolen, may be used as scrap metal sold.
This bronze sculpture called "Sundial 1965 by two crescent-shaped, the estimated stolen in Moore's former residence in the evening of the 10th or the early morning of the 11th. Moore, another piece reclining portrait also stolen in December 2005, I believe then sell as scrap metal, police suspect that the theft of the sculpture is also the same fate, working with area scrap metal recyclers Contact.
In the past three years, the price of copper rose more than twice as attracted thieves coveted metal art of sculpture, wire, ditches cover theft rose sharply. In December last year, created by the sculptor Hepworth a value of up to £ 500,000 bronze sculpture also in London was stolen.

