Western art of sculpture the ancient period in a very long period of time for totem, magical, and religious services.
In the Americas, Mexico Pu Boluo state special Hua Hum River Valley is the birthplace of the great Central American culture. Then in the Gulf of Mexico was the most advanced classical pre-culture, the Olmec culture.
It was hailed as the Mexico civilization predecessor. Mayan culture in about 300 BC began and developed, it inherits the cultural traditions of Central America, and the development of a large-scale sculpture, such as the temple. 14 half of the century, the indigenous Mexican Aztecs dominated the Valley of Mexico, establishing the Monarchy Kingdom, and the formation of the Aztec culture. 16th century, the Spanish conquest of the Aztec dynasty, then plunder and domination of the birthplace of the Inca culture - Peru to the south.
In African culture, the sculpture is one of the most important art form. Black Africa, reliefs and animal sculpture in the round, mostly of wood, but stone, metal and ceramic. It is divided into two categories: one is folk art, religion, magic service, but also the performance of the works of their own lives; another type of court for the ruling class of Fine Arts. These two types of sculpture are content rich, diverse, rich decorative, expressive, strong visual impact. Since black African sculptures still has a unique charm. Ancient Egyptian Culture is a brilliant star in the long river of African culture. Ancient Egyptian carving is art example of the combination of sculpture and architecture, like a grand, historic monument broad and very high artistic achievement. Some relief in order to maintain the architectural plane, a combination of compression volume in the form of painting lines to achieve a novel artistic effect.
Oceania and Africa, some of the culture is similar. Oceania fine art, sculpture is also a need for religious and social services. Oceania bronze frog sculpture most famous is the huge stone statues on Easter Island.
Art unique in the Americas, Africa and Oceania later majority assimilation of Western culture, the residual only a small part of the local culture, resulting in the aesthetic degradation.
The art of the classical period in Europe is the new art form after an abject poverty, had a profound impact such art forms and later throughout the development of Western art. Greek sculptor efforts to make their work shows the vitality of their efforts and quickly learn to master the human anatomy, and gradually replaced the "geometric" style of the early formation of the most important human law, and that the center of gravity of the person put in one leg, the other leg remained slack. Visual illusion, to take advantage of the dynamic unconscious stone showed the body the tightness external and internal movement. It marked the real advent of the sculpture of the classical period. At the same time, the relief of the classical period achieved high artistic achievement.
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