The city sculpture as a manifestation of a sculpture is a plastic arts, called the visual arts. It is different from the other manifestations of the graphic arts, but by the expression "force" on the three-dimensional space, it has movement, rhythm, growth, and organic fusion of form, space, color, environment, convey more vivid humbling vitality. The city sculpture can change the surroundings, this is the charm and magic of city sculpture, when we appreciate these sculptures, inadvertently will be full of life unique art form attracted admiration.
(B) the environment of city bronze sculpture
The city sculpture can be used as an independent viewing was, but because of where specific environmental space there are a variety of factors influence each other, in order to maximize the demonstration of the perfect combination of space and environment, it is necessary and the surrounding roads, construction and other factors, including cultural coordination. The City bronze Sculpture emphasized organic integration with the environment, seeking a human, natural, space, geographical and harmony atmosphere. Placed in the outdoor environment, with the non-replacement, should not only be confined to the body's performance and handling of art, but also to consider the relationship between the co-ordination of various factors in the specific environment in which space. Therefore, it was how to handle city bronze sculpture geographical and human environment relations affect the binding key to the success of the sculpture and environment. Should never be city sculpture as mere appendages of the city, but should be carefully designed to understand, analyze and study the history and cultural traditions of the region, the geographical environment, economic base, local customs, and trends and many other factors, efforts to make city sculpture convey beauty, combined with urban architecture, cultural landscapes and natural landscape, to enable people to find meaning in their daily lives, and make life more colorful. city sculpture plays a rendering of urban space environment, regulating urban color and crowd mentality, to strengthen the role of the visual experience. Therefore, the sculpture must also be consistent with the city the atmosphere and mood of the space environment, and strengthen the environmental theme of the space.
(3) city huge sculpture public
city sculpture in a public environment, is an important part of the public living space, open feature of their place inevitably require a public nature.
The so-called public is that the public has a right to participate and share, is a the people equal pursuit of communication methods and way of life. The city huge sculpture should be to serve the public, regardless of the form and content must adapt to psychological and activity characteristic of the majority of the public, taking into account the public's aesthetic awareness, respect for the local folk customs. The city huge sculpture combine with the local culture. Therefore, the authors express their personal ideas and aesthetics, but also consider the relationship between the works with the public, people oriented, reflecting the awareness and recognition of the public works. Face different levels of society, different educational backgrounds, different ethnic and religious groups, city sculpture, and the general public must resonate play to ease the urban high-density residential and office high-rise buildings constructed environment caused repression and exclusion, so tend to the happiness and upgrade within the viewer's emotions, thus becoming a public art of living.
city sculpture in the public expression is the most important performance in the affinity, respect for humanity, respect for life, and harmonious social life emphasized emotional expression works with the lives of ordinary people, stressed the viewing audience of sculpture, touch and Participation, providing people free to visit, or touch, snuggle works of art.
(4) city sculpture boot
city sculpture to pursue at the same time to meet the people and feel, but also can reflect the characteristics of the times, to express the spirit of the times, to guide people in mind, the pursuit of ideas. The city sculpture as a carrier of a time beyond time, space, beyond earthly FuGuangLveYing, life and dreams to the future. city sculpture for the city, for the city is enormous role, it will be the new artistic idea in the works, artistic thought put into the implementation of strong measures, is the promoter of a new form of society, it its progressive ideas, words of wisdom that the way to lead the New Wave era.