
Sculptures permanently settled in Tongling Anhui Province

The Second China (Tongling) International Sculpture Exhibition opened in Tongling, Anhui Province, a famous sculptor of bronze work, including China, the U.S., South Korea, Romania, Italy, Russia and other 27 countries and regions permanently settled in Tongling City, bronze art park.
The Russian sculptor YURY.TKACHENKO works "Zeus and Europa" has aroused wide interest of the visitors. The works through simple heavy approach about Greek mythology, Zeus turned into a bull laden Europa across the sea to the European continent and fell in love with Europa, marriage, the story of the twins.

He said in a media interview, Tongling held bronze art exhibition here today, provided an opportunity for the world of stainless steel sculpture artists to make a large number of stainless steel sculptures placed in the park of the casting bronze sculpture, bronze sculpture exhibition organizers and the public With clearer positioning and preparation for this event. This is a magical journey of a bronze culture.
The artist believes that the degree of importance of the government and the organizers of the importance of strong support, artists can enjoy the use of their wisdom, emotion and skill to create beautiful sculptures, to the real original ideas presented in the eyes of the world.

National Chengdiao Committee Secretary-General of the hi-minister said at the opening ceremony, the international co-sponsored by the Steering Committee of the National Urban Sculpture, Tongling Municipal People's Government bronze art exhibition designed sculpture artists at home and abroad to build a platform for cultural exchanges, promote mutual learning and integration of the regional culture.

It is understood that the bronze Art Exhibition of China (Tongling) International international, a total of 748 metal artwork bronze work in 40 countries and regions participate in the bid, including 369 from 37 foreign countries bronze works in the voting accreditation after finalized, according to the level of the votes of 35 works of admission

Garden stone sculpture

Garden stone sculpture is a fine art to enjoy. Garden stone sculpture is life in our cities, our homes, it is also because of the existence of a garden stone sculpture, to all of us bring beautiful art to enjoy. Garden stone sculpture carving skill called wonders of the world. It was superb extremely real for! Beautiful stone will sing, really is the case. Garden stone is not only to bring the art of enjoyment, but also to bring more color to our city. More beautiful.

Garden stone sculpture for the city's importance. Garden huge sculpture has become the "eyes" of the city, we live in the city through the eyes, you can see the city innermost soul, to see the city grew, garden huge sculpture sculptor also people seen the rich imagination of artists at home and abroad, their beautiful dream of the people's minds all the performance in the garden huge sculpture set in the trees red flowers in the surround. You can see out of the garden stone sculpture for the city is very important.

The aesthetic value of the garden stone sculpture where? Garden stone sculpture in our lives should be a very common form of large sculpture, he not only is a large sculpture is a work of art. No matter where we will see the garden stone carving art, do beautify our city decoration, the aesthetic value of the garden stone sculpture in the end where it? Need a warm environment for human survival space, environmental governance and transformation marks civilization developed status, and garden stone sculpture is to protect and beautify the environment. He has become a modern society where everyone follows the guidelines and shared pursuit of his aesthetic value.


Shenyang garden sculpture

Of the materials used in the garden sculpture of Shenyang, are made of white marble, hard, cold stone to his hands, but had become a vibrant life body could be so slim and soft, Na and diverse, you seem to be able to touch to that elasticity of the skin, to listen to the heartbeat of the beat. While some do not have the head, even just a section of the trunk, or turned into a flame, or pregnant seedlings ...... his figurative realism to the image freehand, and also to explore abstract expressionism artistic concept converted before But "Life" theme is always the same.

Shenyang garden sculpture, select the female body as a symbol of "life" life conceived in maternal, no doubt this is the best interpretation of the language of life. The female body and his works, however, are crippled limbs. Her body to show he was not a specific body image, only to express his sense, think, think, say. His sculptures simplify the head, but exaggerated hips of a symbol of fertility and life-nurturing breasts, our buns into the image of the characteristics of his works. He got rid of the traditional sculpture, complete, perfect body aesthetic image of the original "significant form" memorable.
Yun Xin sculpture was painters and calligraphers from drawing two-dimensional plane, and then three-dimensional sculpture, and thus his free-flowing sculpture, both written in the traditional oriental painting, traditional Western sculpture solid heavy. He tried to respond to their own academic accomplishment and artistic exploration the World Sculpture masters of all the new trends in the history of modern sculpture, in order to establish their own aesthetic character of the sculpture. The beginning of the history of world sculpture from Rodin, the culmination of neoclassical sculpture in this set, the first to the principle of absorption of the same period of Impressionist paintings, from the human, and the pursuit of the "idea of ​​the depth of the form" humanist ideals. After Rodin roughly can be divided into two schools: one faction is inherited the Rodin traditional, continue to be the sense of volume as the form of the basic elements, and generally belong to the realism of the language areas; other faction fled Rodin impact, focusing on pure form absolute value.

As Matisse torso, limbs shaped into like tree trunks, flowers, clearly aware of the group outside of the structure of the human anatomy, block, lump between sculpture bears a separate language. Brancusi summarized as the natural form of the human body geometry, simple and full of inner vitality simple to experience the natural form for the purpose of completely abandon the anatomical structure of the sculpture. Mole from the classical "human sculpture" into a modern language of sculpture. The language of the classical era sculpture is the body's language, Brancusi, Giacometti, Moore et al. Gradually get rid of the shackles of the human anatomy to find the volume and clumps and space metal artwork sculptural language, gradually formed an independent body The language of sculpture outside the new order, since the beginning of the era of modernist metal artwork sculpture. In this historical process, Shenyang garden sculpture logical starting point, not the classical "figure sculpture" but the former monk to create a "the sculptural language" road continue along Matisse, Brancusi. But he is not copying someone, a faction, succinct, summarized, Vivid, quite similar to the Oriental aesthetic spirit is better than the shape of both adhere to the sense of volume of the sculpture, and more in the exaggerated sense of movement and deformation in the pursuit of body rhythm, the pursuit of man and nature, "Heaven," the supreme spirit of harmony.

Shenyang garden sculpture language, can be broadly divided into three categories; Oriental lyrical sense of volume - a solid and lightweight ensemble; imagination of space - the entity space dialogue; embrace nature - man and nature interact.

Oriental lyrical sense of volume - solid and lightweight ensemble sculpture is three-dimensional art, in pursuit of the the solid heavy volume and tension as the basic language. Garden sculpture in Shenyang, the rounded French sculptor Maillol in a simplified form and static rhythms created in the early 20th century, the stable known as the "Mayor female characteristics," buns, "he minimalist shape, the pursuit of vitality and expressiveness of the sculpture itself. Zen works mountain as a solid and stable, "spring", "listening", "rebound Joseph Pa" works like a full sphere and generous, round legs contingent works in the female body to the waist coarse weight and tension is daunting, but all that thin waist, Na scene in the dynamic and charming his sculpture with a sense of weight and a light, elegant and dynamic ensemble, and describe a romantic Oriental flavor.
Space of the imagination - the entity space dial

ogue Yuandiao three-dimensional as guidelines, and Runxin sculpture has chosen to work part flattened, the "Jiao human chest is no longer Fengru like Hanxiong like concave inside, though loss of fullness, and treat the frail shy wholly contains between Hanxiong how complex polysemy emotional Hanxiong in the virtual space. The red marble "love", and that the right chest cavity, how many people guess that a red dot on the left, is not exactly explain deep a red love here? The hair "the youth Sihuo" plots like the flames leapt up, a symbol of passionate youth. His series of works in the Wind ", a reversal of the sense of the weight of the sculpture, changes into a solid entity like leaves, like sailing, although the entity is missing, but the virtual space of the human mind will diffuse proliferation impression of wind that swaying kept the void, to lead the movement in the space? Like Moore's "woman" sculpture, he used the body mass of their body, a new shape and space, its unconventional shape, burst out of a sense of tremendous power, mysterious space, and the hole is so magical and charming. Although the sculpture is a three-dimensional solid modeling, its value is not in its body is true or not, but a body covered in hideaway shades and the elasticity of the language, sculpture hideaway works not exist in deterministic form of the actual situation, and this uncertainty flexible form of ultra regular changes caused by a novel visual experience to the viewers, and the imagination of the people, ideas, the spirit of free liters of fat space. The image of the entity in the virtual space, the sculpture that covered more than just seeing the entities, but also the emotional and spiritual point.

Characteristics of city sculpture

City sculpture is a three-dimensional space, urban art, dynamic possession of the space and the existence of its own, more eternal than the other arts, when other art gone as time scouring the sculpture substances material, often to the good old, became a witness to history.

The city sculpture as a manifestation of a sculpture is a plastic arts, called the visual arts. It is different from the other manifestations of the graphic arts, but by the expression "force" on the three-dimensional space, it has movement, rhythm, growth, and organic fusion of form, space, color, environment, convey more vivid humbling vitality. The city sculpture can change the surroundings, this is the charm and magic of city sculpture, when we appreciate these sculptures, inadvertently will be full of life unique art form attracted admiration.

(B) the environment of city bronze sculpture
The city sculpture can be used as an independent viewing was, but because of where specific environmental space there are a variety of factors influence each other, in order to maximize the demonstration of the perfect combination of space and environment, it is necessary and the surrounding roads, construction and other factors, including cultural coordination. The City bronze Sculpture emphasized organic integration with the environment, seeking a human, natural, space, geographical and harmony atmosphere. Placed in the outdoor environment, with the non-replacement, should not only be confined to the body's performance and handling of art, but also to consider the relationship between the co-ordination of various factors in the specific environment in which space. Therefore, it was how to handle city bronze sculpture geographical and human environment relations affect the binding key to the success of the sculpture and environment. Should never be city sculpture as mere appendages of the city, but should be carefully designed to understand, analyze and study the history and cultural traditions of the region, the geographical environment, economic base, local customs, and trends and many other factors, efforts to make city sculpture convey beauty, combined with urban architecture, cultural landscapes and natural landscape, to enable people to find meaning in their daily lives, and make life more colorful. city sculpture plays a rendering of urban space environment, regulating urban color and crowd mentality, to strengthen the role of the visual experience. Therefore, the sculpture must also be consistent with the city the atmosphere and mood of the space environment, and strengthen the environmental theme of the space.

(3) city huge sculpture public
city sculpture in a public environment, is an important part of the public living space, open feature of their place inevitably require a public nature.
The so-called public is that the public has a right to participate and share, is a the people equal pursuit of communication methods and way of life. The city huge sculpture should be to serve the public, regardless of the form and content must adapt to psychological and activity characteristic of the majority of the public, taking into account the public's aesthetic awareness, respect for the local folk customs. The city huge sculpture combine with the local culture. Therefore, the authors express their personal ideas and aesthetics, but also consider the relationship between the works with the public, people oriented, reflecting the awareness and recognition of the public works. Face different levels of society, different educational backgrounds, different ethnic and religious groups, city sculpture, and the general public must resonate play to ease the urban high-density residential and office high-rise buildings constructed environment caused repression and exclusion, so tend to the happiness and upgrade within the viewer's emotions, thus becoming a public art of living.
city sculpture in the public expression is the most important performance in the affinity, respect for humanity, respect for life, and harmonious social life emphasized emotional expression works with the lives of ordinary people, stressed the viewing audience of sculpture, touch and Participation, providing people free to visit, or touch, snuggle works of art.
(4) city sculpture boot
city sculpture to pursue at the same time to meet the people and feel, but also can reflect the characteristics of the times, to express the spirit of the times, to guide people in mind, the pursuit of ideas. The city sculpture as a carrier of a time beyond time, space, beyond earthly FuGuangLveYing, life and dreams to the future. city sculpture for the city, for the city is enormous role, it will be the new artistic idea in the works, artistic thought put into the implementation of strong measures, is the promoter of a new form of society, it its progressive ideas, words of wisdom that the way to lead the New Wave era.


Shendiao sculpture - figure sculpture

Person's image much, the increase in the number of the image of warriors, attendants, Music and Dancing, dancing people on a variety of different social status, a step forward in reflecting aspects of social life, sculptural techniques gradually get rid of the stylized image of realism, vivid . (2) the use of sculptural materials more widely. Bronze, gold, silver, lead, pottery, jade, stone, teeth, bone, wood and other different material for each fulfill its long, but there is also the tendency of the integrated use. There are new developments in the manufacturing process of various materials, such as bronze technology sub-casting, the popularity of the development of skills such as welding, lost wax method of application, the wrong gold and silver mosaic art, the production of the works competing demand Kit Kat gorgeous. Consequent pursuit of harassment to which China and the United States, to become the dominant aesthetic tendencies of this period, especially in the sculptures of bronze, jade and lacquered. The figure sculpture of this period is yet to emerge from the arts and crafts, so retain highly decorative. ③ main even and as the artifacts decorated humanoid bracket, Holder and small accessories. Dolls, also known as phase, like a man, made of bronze, pottery, wood and other materials, which mainly figurines. Spring and Autumn Period around the figurines in prevalence. The pottery figurine major Shandong Lang Zhuang Shaoxing Warring States tomb copper Lok figurines
The Tomb of the Eastern Zhou martyrdom of the 1st 6 female figurines make more dance, facial tick bevelled black color eye, eyebrow, busty dress Hikiji applied red, yellow, black, brown stripes. Male figurines shawl, hands holding objects. Fired furnace is very low, most of them have been mutilated. Shanxi Changzhi watershed in the early Warring States period tombs unearthed figurines dance figurine modeling briefly vivid gesture. Painted wooden figurines multi for Warring States huge sculpture Chu, have servant paternity, the kitchen, Kuregaku different identities. Changsha, Hunan, Chu Tomb No. 406 of 30 wooden figurines, men and women generally carved out of the body shape and facial features, huge sculpture painted white powder, drawn two-color ink, Zhu prospect mustache and crown, monkey sculpture belt, lapel, sleeve , garment, hand, foot and swords were made of assembled. Chu wooden figurines unearthed elsewhere, some carved large Paoxiu; some head carved out facial features, of Holes quality wig (real hair), monkey sculpture dressed in silk clothing, but for the personality traits of the characters not very careful. Luoyang, Henan Golden Village Eastern Zhou Dynasty tomb unearthed also silver figurines wear 弁, forward Zhaixiu short gowns, lace, wrapped around the line ". Was considered to be a barbarian image, the high level of its shape. In addition, there is the performance of the proposed activities to the environment figurine. Such as the the Zhejiang Shaoxing slope Tong Warring States tomb out of house of bronze Kuregaku copper, naked men and women holding musical instruments played in the house, the column stands on the copper roof the stigma cast a large bird, speculated may be with the the Yue People's totem beliefs or religious practices.

The Landscape Sculpture lighting should be designed to avoid several situations

First, avoid strong pitch light, including positive glazing and is under the light, especially with the under the glare is almost positive and other strong illumination, this bright light not only damage their image, but also may cause a sense of terror.
Second, avoid shun the light, which is also a Masamitsu loss of three-dimensional, it will make the sculpture.
Finally, to avoid being side light, it leads to the "yin and yang face adverse visual effects.
    An excellent landscape sculpture or landscape buddha statue sculpture construction is bound to contain specific meaning. Performance or identify the specific characters and specific events. Of course, it can not be separated to a specific historical background and environment. The vast majority of landscape sculpture in the outdoor landscape granite sculpture should have architectural features. Financial environment, architecture as a whole. Hegel's Aesthetics: artists should not be the first sculpture completely carved good, then consider it before where we should contact to the outside world and its spatial form, but in the idea and place. This theory is equally suitable design landscape sculpture.


Bronze animal sculpture

Boutique Casting Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the philosophy handed down by the the animal sculpture vivid to carefully each client's intent to make the bronze.
The Company are detailed in the pre-production research a true animal's body, demeanor, and the animal's intrinsic charm combined with bold ideas. We have been a famous bronze sculpture "horse riding swallows" standard for the production of animal sculpture.

"Horse riding swallows" has been able to become a national treasure of course its historical value, but it is undeniable artistic value it highly condensed: First, the proportion of "horse riding swallows" is accurate, limbs momentum in line with the movement of the horse sculpture habits shape realism, ancient horses by the standard of a good horse scale to measure the copper Horse, almost a sub-scale, the entire sculpture can be described as French horses; copper Horse give enough prance, a hoof riding in a flying swallow body mechanics analysis, "horse riding swallows" the swallows find the center of gravity placement, resulting in stability. This romantic approach with bold ideas, perfect to express a the horse supple heroic and maneuvering the charm, but also reflects the Han Dynasty to make progress, very slow into the spirit of the times.

Set the standard, HSBC's animal sculptures favored by customers, but also to promote the improvement of our other bronze artistic appeal, especially my bronze statues, Tibetan Buddha statue is impressive.